Real Estate Resources

Do you have special needs with regards to repairing your home? Call us. We can recommend excellent tradespeople in the Southern Georgian Bay area. We’re here to help!

Bathroom Makeovers

Today more and more homeowners are directing their energy and creativity towards redecorating the bathroom. Be it the family bath, or the master ensuite, the primary focus is on increased luxury comfort and convenience. Many homeowners are looking for new ideas to make their existing bathrooms larger. Get the most from your space Redecorating a…

Creating More Closet Space

For most people the ideal closet is the size of a room with ample space to hang clothing, lots of shelves to tuck and stash away things — a place where you can walk around and assess all your personal belongings. In reality, most people’s closets fall well short of this ideal. And few of…

Does Your Home Need a Tune-Up?

Just like you take a car for regular tune ups to ensure it continues to run smoothly, your home also needs some special attention. There’s a lot more to keeping up a house than cutting the grass and clearing snow from the driveway. Ensuring your home “looks” good and is in proper working order, not…

Get a Head Start on Spring

Spring is in the air and the busy gardening season is just around the corner. Not only can gardening be personally satisfying, but well-placed trees, shrubs, flowering plants and an attractive lawn can increase the value of your property. While the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be, don’t be too eager to get…

Tips to Noise-Proof Your Home

Whether it is aircraft overhead, traffic on the street, a neighbour practicing the saxophone, or your own kids at play, often our homes are not as quiet and peaceful as we would like them to be. That’s why taking some measures to soundproof your home has lots of pay-offs. Not only will you reduce noise…

Using Paint to Enhance Your Home

One of the easiest, most cost-efficient ways of enhancing your home is with paint. With the advances made in paint over the past decade, there’s not much you can’t do with it indoors and outdoors. Gone are the days of the all-purpose can of paint. Today, there are paints available for specific materials and surfaces.…

Windows – Repair or Replace?

In ancient times, windows were as common as doors in dwellings. But they were merely holes in a wall used to control the amount of light and air that entered a home. Appearance and style were not a consideration. We’ve come a long way since then. Today, windows in most homes combine science and technologies…

Your Heating System

A heating system converts fuel into heat which then flows through a house. The efficiency of a heating system depends on the amount of fuel consumed to meet heating needs. Using less fuel means your system has increased its energy efficiency. Check your heating system first One way to maximize output using the least amount…